Stress, Stress and more Stress!

With only two weeks left before I jet off on a two-week holiday which is shortly followed by a two-week Easter Break the stress is well and truly building.

Due to the holiday, I’ve had to get a lot of work done before I go and I have found that having to write an essay, start a research project, still create lesson plans which of three have been observations and work at the weekends has pushed me to breaking point. What hasn’t been helpful is the delays in getting feedback back from my observations, I’ve become quite quick at reflecting and would not typically worry but I am behind on writing two reflections now due to the lack of feedback and when I have another one this coming Monday that will place me with three 1000 word reflections to do, and a 1000 word summary reflection before the 25th March just so I don’t have to worry about it when I return as I have a conference paper to write too!

Oh and I need to start looking for a job really…

Its stressful and apart from working late into the night I don’t really know what else to do. I’ve been trying to still have ‘me’ time just so I don’t burn out, so far that seems to help, making sure I stop work roughly between 9-10 pm (depending on what time I need to be up the next day) and reading a chapter of Harry Potter (I’m odd to Orlando and wanted to get them read again) but then I feel bad for not doing work… it’s a complete catch 22 situation.

However if I burn out I’m no use to myself so slow and steady is the way to go… its almost over.

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